Day 1 - Part 1

So, today is day one of my ADHD meds... I'm 38 years old and I can honestly say it's been an interesting day so far. I wanted to share my story in the hope that it sheds some light on what your kiddos may be going through. Hope it helps. If it does, I can share more as I settle into this new experience.
So, it started around 8am today, after the edge of my tall coffee wore off. At first everything was normal.
Then about 9am, things started to kick in, felt like I drank a pot off coffee and really focused on my work. Heart was racing a bit jumpy.
Then 10am, went upstairs to work and watch the kiddos while my wife went to vote. I was able to focus on my work for the most part and tune out the TV in the background... interesting.
10:30-11:30, hyper focused like never before. Got a complete script done for an upcoming webinar. That would have normally been on the pile until about 4pm today and crushed for time.
1130, forced to eat something by my loving wife. Wasn't overly hungry.
Noon, having a pleasant conversation while driving my kid to the doctor. Was able to drive without issue and carry on a conversation. How cool
12:30, sitting with my kid at the doctors. Was able to manage her and fill out the forms.
1 PM, sat with doctor to review paperwork. Able to focus and work with my kid to redirect her at the same time.
2 PM, sitting in the waiting room. Back to the jitters and heart racing. Feel like I could run a marathon.
So, that's my story thus far. Imagine this is how a 38 year old guy feels.... makes me sympathize with a young kid trying to figure out all of these emotions and triggers!
