Day 2 Report
Day since starting meds: 2
Time Taken: 6:30AM
Type: Adderall XR 20mg
Other Stimulants: None
Other Meds: Tylenol for Headache
Overall Feeling for the day:
Today was honestly really rough. I don't know if it was the lack of sleep the night before, quitting coffee cold turkey, or forgetting to eat throughout the day... but I had a severe headache a good part of the day. I learned that my focus could be significantly hampered by these headaches and that this was going to be a long road to go down before I would stabilize. That's OK, as I tell my daughters, failures are opportunities in disguise -- like super heroes -- they teach us how to do better tomorrow.
Also experienced a really bad mood swing last night, feel bad for snapping at my wife. Again, lessons learned... do better tomorrow. Went to bed on time and was able to stay asleep most of the night, so chalk it up to a win on that front.
Wake Up / Pre-medication:
Woke up around 5 AM after tossing and turning. Found that we were out of gets so popped over to the store and got some breakfast fixings. Cooked breakfast, helped wrangle the kids downstairs and finally ate breakfast. No coffee, just some eggs, Canadian bacon, and toast.
Morning / After-medication:
Took my pill about 6:30AM and got the kiddo to school. We walk, so I enjoyed the time with her. On the way back, I think the meds were kicking in since I was able to focus on enjoying the walk and all the fall colors instead of fumbling with my phone or other distractions.
A headache started about the time I settled into work at 8AM. I was able to focus enough to tend to some fires that popped up during the day, however, I was having a heck of a time trying to shift focus between the three tasks on my plate in the morning.
Didn't have a morning snack, just a few pieces of candy that were on my desk.
Noon rolled around and I was really behind in my tasking I wanted to accomplish for the day. I took a small break and ate a snack bar for lunch.
Started to get back into the grove of practicing my webinar, which went mostly well. Around 1:45PM, I started getting some chills, thinking it was caffeine withdrawal. Read that the meds can deplete your electrolytes, so I made myself a Nuun tab. Seemed to help with the chills at least
Powered through my dry run and was able to focus intently on the feedback from my colleagues. Wrapped up that call around 3:30P and started to build out a report. Super focused and got it knocked off.
By 4PM, the headache had taken hold and I was at its mercy. Took some Tylenol and tried to close out my day at work.
Early Evening:
Kids were a total mess at 5 PM, so we feed them and got them upstairs for a bath. made it through that task, barely, and got the kids ready for bed. About halfway through the book I was reading I was having a hell of a time focusing, likely a combo of crash/hunger/ a headache. My loving wife took over book duty and helped me tuck them in.
Then we made dinner and ate around 6PM. Oddly, I was not that hungry but forced myself to eat.
Around 7:30PM, I started to feel a little better but I was an ass to be around. I snapped at my wife for trying to help me book an appointment. I got hyper-focused on helping my Sister with her resume and forgot to sync with my wife on the stuff we were going to review.
At 9:30PM, I wrapped up with my sister. I did remember to get my wifes present for Christmas, after she reminded me before she went up to bed. Though I was unable to process the edits she needed for her books, so that was pushed to tomorrow.
I crashed hard at around 10PM. Didn't do my meditation, didn't look at my phone.
Slept fine through the night. My watch pegged me at 6:47 total sleep time with a 93% efficiency.
Thoughts about how is this different from Day 0 Me:
This felt like a normal pre-medicated day for me.
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