Day 2 Report
Day since starting meds : 2 Time Taken : 6:30AM Type : Adderall XR 20mg Other Stimulants: None Other Meds : Tylenol for Headache Overall Feeling for the day: Today was honestly really rough. I don't know if it was the lack of sleep the night before, quitting coffee cold turkey, or forgetting to eat throughout the day... but I had a severe headache a good part of the day. I learned that my focus could be significantly hampered by these headaches and that this was going to be a long road to go down before I would stabilize. That's OK, as I tell my daughters, failures are opportunities in disguise -- like super heroes -- they teach us how to do better tomorrow. Also experienced a really bad mood swing last night, feel bad for snapping at my wife. Again, lessons learned... do better tomorrow. Went to bed on time and was able to stay asleep most of the night, so chalk it up to a win on that front. Wake Up / Pre-medication: Woke up around 5 AM after tos...